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Fastest OLAP Performance

TensorBase is optimized for large-scale data analysis.
5x to 30x faster than that of ClickHouse for real-world billion+ rows query set.

Read more about TensorBase.

Open Source Powered

TensorBase is written in Rust with the open source gene.
Unbreakable solid engineering from day 0.
Do not compromise on the beauty of engineering when pursuing ultimate performance.

Economically Efficient

TensorBase is optimized for modern commodity hardwares.
Petabyte level data housing in one box.
Bigdata analysis costs are reduced to 1/100 of that of mainstream peers.

DBA-Free Automation

TensorBase maximally hides database details for users.
No dedicated administrators needed.
Reliability and high availability for regular failures are integrated out of box.
One-executable-file green installation.

ClickHouse Compatible

TensorBase works seamlessly with current ClickHouse tooling ecosystem.
TensorBase supports mixed deployments with ClickHouse.
Fearless adaption as a drop-in or accelerator depends on your workloads.

Cloud Neutral an Native

TensorBase is optimized for end-to-end users experience.
Not Binding to any cloud vendors and components.
Composable with cloud infrastructure.

TensorBase Alpha Demo