Welcome to “This Week in TensorBase” weekly newsletter.

TensorBase is a modern big data warehouse in Rust. With the help of Rust engineering, TensorBase wants to provide a new big data infrastructure for every business in this era.

Rush Hour on PRs 🏄

In this week, our great contributors have submitted 10s PRs and get 7 of them merged. In these PRs, the ClickHouse compatibility in datetime built-in functions side are quickly improved, a protocol implementation bug of ClickHouse client connection has been fixed, and classical INSERT INTO .. SELECT in-SQL data transfer statement has been supported!

Thanks to all of contributor’s helps, TensorBase community shines because of you!

Summer 2021 🎸

We set very ambitious goals in this summer 2021. The completion of the summer milestone means that TensorBase has a good shape and can well serve our primary users. In that time, we can compare with other open source data warehouses in this era, and even better. TensorBase invites all interested friends to join in TensorBase’s Summer 2021!

Help Wanted

Try TensorBase in one minute. It is really appreciated that you play TensorBase with data ingestion, queries, or any hacks in any way you want and feedback the bugs or anything you want to the TensorBase community.

More helps on help wanted issues or good first issues are appreciated as well.


Join the TensorBase community and build the next five years of Rust big data ecosystem!