Welcome to “This Week in TensorBase” weekly newsletter.
TensorBase is a modern big data warehouse in Rust. With the help of Rust engineering, TensorBase wants to provide a new big data infrastructure for every business in this era.
Experimental MacOS support, Partition Pruning Enhancement and Documents
In this week, TensorBase has merged a PR for the experimental MacOS support from one new contributor. Now, it is OK to build and run TensorBase in the MacOS operation system. Currently we have no enough resource to guarantee the performance on the MacOS, but TensorBase community truly welcomes any potential users to come!
In this week, TensorBase continues to improve the static partition pruning. After the week’s work, we basically support the human-writing partition condition pruning in constant parsing time. This once again shows the user thinking of TensorBase to make an industrial-level product. We will soon demonstrate the power of TensorBase’s in overall TPC-H benchmarks.
In this week, TensorBase also continues to fix the performance side of the remote table query functionality. And it is greatly welcome new contributors to come into the community for great documents updating. Really appreciated for all the helps! 💗
🏆🏃🏃♂️🏃♀️ TensorBase is pretty sure that the beta will come soon.
Help Wanted
Try TensorBase in one minute. It is really appreciated that you play TensorBase with data ingestion, queries, or any hacks in any way you want and feedback the bugs or anything you want to the TensorBase community.
More helps on help wanted issues or good first issues are appreciated as well.
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