I’ve just joined the first Rust China Conf with TensorBase.

In this talk, the “where-from”, “where-in” and “where-to” of TensorBase as Rust Based open source project has been presented. For the time limitation, I skip the technical details. You can consult sources and another talk to get some more.

Ancient Chinese says, “to teach fishing is better than to give fish”. So, I hope you could see more when you stand at the sky of 100,000 miles high. And I also plan to share more documents from and experiences in TensorBase when more time released in the near future.

Here is the presentation.

And there is also a video record(in Chinese) which could be seen here.

The great milestone before the conference is the primary completion of new base server. We do dirty works for our users and help them to achieve engineering excellences. That’s the new engineering TensorBase wants to start. Futhermore, I am really looking forward to your joining the community.

The most fascinating thing, which I got in the conference, is that we have a strong and heart-warming community! That’s Rust!

Let’s Rust!